
Do Justice by Kristi Burton Brown
Do Justice by Kristi Burton Brown

Do Justice by Kristi Burton Brown

If we modern Christians truly care about our neighbors, our friends, and our families, we will start speaking up with truth on our lips. It's a horrible monster that wrecks ours lives – often only after we're deep inside. We need Him because sin isn't an equal option to righteousness. If we are good and okay and all right, and how we live doesn't matter, then really, why do we need Christ? We need Him because we sin. Sin is what creates that need for Christ. But how are people to think they have a need for Christ if they don't first realize what causes the need? We need to remember that God's grace came alongside the truth that men are sinners. But no part of mercy and grace negates our duty to speak the truth. Of course our words ought to be seasoned with salt we must be both wise and gentle. We modern American Christians need to stop worrying about stepping on toes. You're a friend who's willing to wound instead of giving the kisses an enemy would give. If you're talking about a fellow Christian in sin, you're iron that sharpens iron. You're the body – and yes, this incudes the mouth – of Christ. Who are you? You're the salt and light of the world. "Sure," they say, "I might not live that way, but who am I to tell them what to do?" Yet there's something seriously wrong when Christians advocate for people living their lives how they want. About everyone's ability to do what they want. About everyone's right to make their own decisions.

Do Justice by Kristi Burton Brown

We don't seem to worry about calling out the "unfriendly" Christian or the conservative Christian who may have a few legalistic standards.īut when it comes to serious sin that's directly called out in the Bible, we'd rather avoid it and talk about grace. Modern Christians don't seem to have trouble calling gossip or pride a sin. Looking at porn or having lustful thoughts is a sin.Refusing to work on your marriage, simply because you "aren't compatible anymore" is a sin.Sin is always sin, and it's really that simple. Sin doesn't change because our friends do it or because we struggle with it. Sin doesn't change because our culture changes. For all the emphasis on love, grace, and happiness, we seem to have forgotten that sin is real. It can be disappointing to hang out with modern Christians today. Kristi Burton Brown is a pro-life attorney, volunteering for Life Legal Defense Foundation and also as an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom.

Do Justice by Kristi Burton Brown